Make the Most of your Investments
There is little doubt that private education is the best that money can buy. It is sought after by all and children that go through a private education system do better in later life. If you have aspirations of sending your children to private school, coupled with other personal financially dependant plans, just how much money will you need?
School Fees in the Middle East, UK, and Beyond
School fees do vary depending on where you are in the world. Nonetheless, if you work on a basis that each school year will cost you approx. £8,000 pa plus inflation you are probably in the right ball park. Therefore, from ages 5 to 18 you are looking at a total expenditure of £212,000. This figure could be higher depending on the quality of school you want to use.( and your location)
This figure is substantial and if you are planning to send your children down the private route, the question of how to finance it is arguably the biggest of all.
Is your Investment Portfolio in Good Shape?
Investments could be used to finance your children’s education. As long the returns are good, you could find your investments make a considerable contribution to the costs. The trick here is to manage your investments wisely & review them regularly together with your advisor.
In a recent Daily Telegraph article, they focused on a gentleman who wanted to send his young son to private education. When one of the expert financial planners looked at his portfolio they stated he had too much invested in Asian emerging markets. As such, they recommended he diversify into European markets especially in wake of the quantitative easing measures launched by the ECB.
The overall feeling was that the risk of the portfolio was outweighing the return potential.
Other Financial Plans
The other aspect that will probably affect your ability to fund your children’s education is your other financial plans. Mortgages, pensions, insurances all require investment. Unless you are in a strong financial position, without the advice of a knowledgeable and responsible financial professional, meeting your funding requirements could be problematic.
How do I fund my children’s private education?
Although this question is quite complex, it often comes down to the following:
- How you want to live in the future
- The value and specifics of your investments
- Retirement plans
- Mortgage status
- Savings
- Investments and commitments
To get a true and unbiased picture your best advice is to speak to a financial advisor such as myself. The importance of good financial planning cannot be overstated.
Click here and complete the Call Back Service form. We can then come up with the best financial plan for you.
The Daily Telegraph
For more information, please contact Michele Carby at Holborn Asset Management on +971 50 618 6463 and on e-mail at [email protected]